1. Sift flour before measuring. In large bowl, combine flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking soda and salt.
2. Layer ingredients in order given in canning jars, layering flour mixture last.
[Hint for FoodSaver brand vacuum sealer owners: use the jar sealing attachment to seal jars for longer storage.]
3. Cut appropriate amount of 7-inch circles from cotton fabric. Top each jar with fabric circle, and tie with ribbon.
4. Print appropriate number of the Oatmeal Scotchies Gift Tags. Cut gift tags apart and attach to ribbon. Or, hand-write recipe tag using recipe below.
<h2>Oatmeal Scotchies Recipe</h2>
Empty mix into large mixing bowl and mix thoroughly.
Add 3/4 cup butter or margarine, softened, 1 beaten egg, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix until completely blended.
Form 1-inch balls and place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees until edges are lightly browned, about 10-12 minutes.
Cool 5 minutes on cookie sheet, then transfer to wire rack to cool completely. Makes 3 dozen cookies.
Lots of readers have asked, "This recipe calls for about 5 cups of ingredients. How do you fit it all in the jar?"
Answer: The secret to getting all the ingredients in the jar? Tamp, tamp, tamp!
First, the flour measure is SIFTED flour. This means that when you put the light, sifted flour into the jar, it will pack down into less space. Similarly, both the oatmeal and the brown sugar will compact after measurement if properly tamped into place.
I like to use a meat tenderizer as a tamping device. It's a square, ridged hammer used for tenderizing meat, but the top surface is heavy and smooth.
Use it to tap each layer of ingredients tightly into the jar. Between sifting flour, tamping, and the half-cup or so of "head space" put into every quart jar, the recipe will fit just fine.
More information: <strong><a href="http://organizedchristmas.net/crafts/gifts-in-a-jar/tips-to-make-mason-… to Make Gifts in a Jar</a></strong>
<h2>Printable Gifts in a Jar Gift Tags</h2>