Have you been Elf-ed? Join the fun with this Christmas version of the Halloween BOO game.
Sometimes called "You've Been Jingled", "You've Been Elf-ed!" is easy to play.
Sometime before Christmas, one neighbor starts the game, secretly leaving a basket of treats together with an Elf sign and Elf poem explaining how to play the game.
Ring the doorbell and run! It's the best part of You've Been Elf-ed!
In turn, each recipient is asked to post the sign to alert would-be Elves that they've been Elf-ed, and to pass the game along to two more friends or neighbors.
As the days pass, Elf signs pop up all over. Who's been Elf-ed? It's all part of the fun to see holiday cheer spread from door to door.
To start the game, we've made it easy with free printable Elf-ed poems and Elf signs.
Will you join the Christmas fun? Look out ... You've Been Elf-ed!